[1] Zhao, Z., & Zhang, K. (2025). “The Rule of Discourse: How Ideas and Institutions Influence China’s COVID policy.” Journal of Contemporary China, 1-21.
[2] Zhang, K., Zhao, J., and Meng, T. “Governing China in Digit: A Framework for Assessing the Digital Governance in 101 Chinese Municipalities.” The China Review, 24(3),207-240.
[3] Zhang, K., He, B., & Wu, J. (2021). “Double Trouble? Effects Of Social Conflict and Foreign Investment on Consultative Authoritarianism in China.” Contemporary Politics, 27(4), 371-396.
[4] Zhang, K. (2019). “Encountering Dissimilar Views in Deliberation: Political Knowledge, Attitude Strength, And Opinion Change.” Political Psychology, 40(2): 315-333.
[5] Zhang, K., & Meng, T. (2018). “Political Elites in Deliberative Democracy: Beliefs and Behaviors Of Chinese Officials.” Japanese Journal of Political Science, 19(4): 643-662.
[6] Zhang, K., and Kizilcec R. F. (2014). “Anonymity in social media: Effects of content controversiality and social endorsement on sharing behavior.” Proceedings of the Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media.
Publications in Chinese
[7] Zhang, K. (2025). “Experimental Methods with Generative AI in Political Communication Research”. World Economy and Politics. 国际政治传播研究的人工智能实验方法,《世界经济与政治》,2025年第1期。
[8] Wang, T., Zhang, K., and Zhuang, M. (2025). “Can Platform-based Digital Participatory Budgeting Increase Citizen Engagement? Evidence from Big Data and Surveys.” Public Management Review. 《数字平台中介的全过程公众参与:基于平台数据与调查数据的实证分析》,《公共管理评论》, 2025年第1期。
[9] Wang B., Zhang, K*, Wang T. (2024). “Make Consultative Governance Work: Evidence from a National Survey in China.” Peking University Political Science Review, 17, 157-176.《地方治理中的协商民主实证研究》,《北大政治学评论》,2024年第17辑。
[10] Zhang, K., Wang, T., & Zhuang, M. (2024). “Embedded Empowerment of Digital Technologies in Urban Deliberative Governance: A Case Study of Participatory Budgeting in Chengdu.” Journal of Jiangxi Normal University, 57(04), 54-65. 《数字技术与城市协商治理的内嵌式互动——基于C市参与式预算的案例研究》 ,《江西师范大学评论》,2024年第4期。
[11] Zhang, K. (2023). “Political Communication Research in the Digital Age: Research Agenda, New Methods, and Paradigm Shift”. CASS Journal of Political Science (ranked as the #1 political science journal in China), 2023(05):193-206. 《数字时代的政治传播研究:理论重构、议题革新与范式转向》,《政治学研究》,2023年第5期。
[12] Zhang, K., Meng, T., & Huang Z. (2023). “The Rise of Soft Propaganda in China: Evidence from Big Data in 2009-2023.” Journalism and Communication (ranked as the #1 journalism and communication journal in China), 30(12):86-103+128. 《软宣传的兴起、特征与效果:基于2009-2023年主流媒体与政务新媒体的大数据分析》,《新闻与传播研究》,2023年第12期。
[13] Zhang, K. & Meng, T. (2021). “Donation Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Capital, Political Trust and Media Selection.” Chinese Journal of Social Development (CSSCI), 8(02):152-179.《公共卫生危机中的捐助行为:社会资本、政治信任与媒介选择》,《社会发展研究》,2021年第5期。
[14] Zhang, K., & Tang, F. (2020). “Experimental Methods for the Study of American Politics.” Chinese Journal of American Studies (CSSCI), 34(03):142-160.《实验方法及其在美国政治研究的应用》,《美国研究》,2020年第3期。
[15] Han, F., & Zhang, K. (2015). “Deliberative democracy in Chinese governance: Institutions, practices, and theoretical critiques.” Zhejiang Social Sciences (CSSCI), 10, 48-61. “社会治理的‘协商’领域与‘民主’机制——当下中国基层协商民主的制度特征、实践结构和理论批判”,《浙江社会科学》,2015年第10期。