Kaiping Zhang

Kaiping Zhang

Associate Professor

Tsinghua University


Hello! I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Tsinghua University, where I also hold the position of Deputy Director of the Center for Data Governance. Currently, I am a visiting scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute during the academic year 2024-2025.

Obtained my Ph.D. from the Department of Communication at Stanford University, I explore how communication processes—such as propaganda, deliberation, and social information sharing—shape Chinese public opinion, policymaking, and geopolitics. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, my research combines qualitative analysis with innovative quantitative methods to explore the complex interplay between technology, politics, and society in a rapidly evolving world. Beyond my academic work, I have a deep passion for literature, history, psychology, and international relations, continuously drawing inspiration from these fields to enrich my perspective.

My scholarly contributions have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, including Political Psychology, Contemporary Politics, and Journal of Contemporary China. My work has also been featured in top-tier Chinese journals such as the CASS Journal of Political Science and Journalism and Communication. Before joining Tsinghua University, I worked as a Research Associate at the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford University and participated in multiple Deliberative Pollings led by Professor James Fishkin across the world. I have received several awards, notably the Top Paper Award from the Division of Political Communication at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association.

This is my CV .

  • Chinese politics and governance
  • Political communication
  • Deliberative democracy
  • Computational social science
  • Political psychology
  • Sino-U.S. relations
  • Ph.D. in Communication, 2017

    Stanford University

  • M.A. in Communication, 2011

    Michigan State University

  • B.A. in Journalism and Communication, 2009

    Tsinghua University


  • kaipingz@tsinghua.edu.cn
  • (86) 10-62789185
  • Ming Bldg., Rm 245, Beijing, 100084